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BIO COVID-19 Therapeutic Development Tracker
BIO’s Industry Analysis Team has reviewed and annotated pipeline data from BioCentury and Biomedtracker to create a granular, interactive view of the Covid-19 pipeline. The team has investigated each drug as to original inventor (company/country), mechanism of action and strategic approach, as well as de-duplicated multiple company and university programs for the same active ingredient (for example, hydroxychloroquine is counted only once).
The data below shows two key things:
  • Biopharma companies - particularly small biotech companies - are undertaking a monumental campaign to combat, and hopefully eradicate, Covid-19.
  • Innovation is being led by U.S.-based companies.
This data will be updated weekly on Monday mornings.

C19 Notes Database / antibody-filled blood plasma
« Last post by stog on June 29, 2020, 12:33:38 PM »
A coronavirus vaccine is still months away, but an antibody treatment could be closerDuring the 1918 flu pandemic, doctors proved convalescent plasma - antibody-filled blood plasma from patients who recovered from the disease - could fight flu. Convalescent plasma has been used to treat severe flu, MERS and SARS and now some US doctors are starting to see some success treating Covid-19, too. Since there isn't enough donated plasma to treat all patients, modern medicine can fill in the gaps and maybe even improve the process. Scientists can create what are called monoclonal antibodies... –CNNhttps://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/26/health/antibody-therapies-covid-19-update-wellness/index.html
C19 Notes Database / vaccine tracker info as of june 27 2020
« Last post by stog on June 29, 2020, 12:30:08 PM »
Vaccines typically require years of research and testing before reaching the clinic, but scientists are racing to produce a safe and effective vaccine by next year. Work began in January with the deciphering of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The first vaccine safety trials in humans started in March, but the road ahead remains uncertain. Some trials will fail, and others may end without a clear result. But a few may succeed in stimulating the immune system to produce effective antibodies against the virus. Here is the status of all the vaccines that have reached trials in humans, along with a selection of promising vaccines still being tested in cells or animals. –NY Times

C19 Notes Database / vaccine tracker info as of june 27 2020
« Last post by stog on June 29, 2020, 12:29:29 PM »
Vaccines typically require years of research and testing before reaching the clinic, but scientists are racing to produce a safe and effective vaccine by next year. Work began in January with the deciphering of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. The first vaccine safety trials in humans started in March, but the road ahead remains uncertain. Some trials will fail, and others may end without a clear result. But a few may succeed in stimulating the immune system to produce effective antibodies against the virus. Here is the status of all the vaccines that have reached trials in humans, along with a selection of promising vaccines still being tested in cells or animals. –NY Times

the study referred to above is in Nature

C19 Notes Database / Re: asymptomatic possibly more infectious
« Last post by stog on June 25, 2020, 07:22:46 PM »
Perhaps of more practical importance right now is a study that followed up 37 asymptomatic people who had positive PCR tests. This showed they had detectable levels of the virus for longer that those who had symptoms. Asymptomatic people are therefore likely to be more contagious. We also know that pre-symptomatic people, those in the early days following infection with Sars-CoV-2, are also highly contagious. Because we are often not aware that we are infected, measures to ensure social distancing and face covering are crucial when it comes to protecting others.

C19 Notes Database / Covid apps worldwide, in use and testing
« Last post by stog on June 24, 2020, 01:32:59 PM »
a good overall of what where etc of covid apps

"Councils are asking for real-time information about who has tested positive, down to the names and contact details of individuals, and failing that by street, postcode, or catchment area of 1,500 people. However, most are only receiving a daily feed of aggregate community test results for the entire upper tier local authority.

This could hinder the ability to spot outbreaks at the earliest opportunity, according to Chris Jewell, an epidemiologist at Lancaster University and a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) subgroup on modelling.

“We have to wait for [outbreaks] to emerge through the noise at a much larger spatial scale,” he said. In practical terms, that means waiting for more people to become infected and, he said, “delays are everything in dealing with outbreaks”.

Hudspeth said he had been “lobbying hard” for the information since the beginning of April when the health secretary, Matt Hancock, launched the national coronavirus testing programme.

“If someone has gone into a care home we need to contact them as soon as possible before they go into other areas and spread the virus,” he said. “We need to know on the day so that we can clamp down and prevent the spread.”

C19 Notes Database / Re: Risk assessment and hygiene for reopening office or Clinic
« Last post by stog on June 23, 2020, 05:43:12 PM »
" I want to cook and put your food on a plate instead of in a box. I want to pour you a glass of wine and tell you why it will pair so well with the main course. Can all this be done from behind screens, gloved and masked and incessantly worried about finances or whether or not the restaurant will have to close for two weeks because of a single phone call?
For now – for me – the answer is no, it can’t. There is too much still outside of our control. So while there are some elements that we can control we will continue to do so. Consequently, for the time being, we will continue to offer our food for takeaway, refining it and improving it and getting it to you in a safe manner. Hopefully it goes some way to reminding you – and us – what we have to look forward to when the time is right."

this is especially relevant today after the announcement that restaurants can re-open in the UK next month in 11 days time, and as test trace is still flaky with no immediate local notification to Public Health -- see contact tracing for article on this

C19 Notes Database / COVID-19 Digital Rights Tracker and contact tracing apps
« Last post by stog on June 19, 2020, 10:17:49 AM »
COVID-19 Digital Rights TrackerThis live tracker documents new measures introduced in response to COVID-19 that pose a risk to digital rights around the world.

In response to the outbreak of COVID-19:
  • Contact Tracing Apps are being used in 28 countries
  • Alternative digital tracking measures are active in 35 countries
  • Physical surveillance technologies are in use in 11 countries
  • COVID-19-related censorship has been imposed by 18 governments
  • Internet shutdowns continue in 3 countries despite the outbreak

    Since the outbreak of COVID-19, governments around the world have implemented a range of digital tracking, physical surveillance and censorship measures in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. Some of these may well be proportionate, necessary and legitimate during these unprecedented times. However, others have been rushed through legislative bodies and implemented without adequate scrutiny. Over the coming weeks and months, this tracker will document new initiatives being deployed that could threaten digital rights to help stem overreach, promote scrutiny, and ensure that intrusive measures don’t continue for any longer than absolutely necessary.

    Contact Tracing apps

    Key Findings:
    • There are currently 47 contact tracing apps available globally
    • India’s Aarogya Setu is the most popular, with 50 million downloads
    • 53% use GPS, 15% use Bluetooth & 28% use both GPS and Bluetooth
    • 24 apps (51%) contain Google and Facebook tracking
    • 11 apps (23%) have no privacy policy
    • 25 apps (53%) do not disclose how long they will store users’ data for
    • 28 apps (60%) have no publicly stated anonymity measures

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