« previous next » Print Pages: 1 Go Down Author Topic: Vaccinated llama produced nanobodies that could neutralize coronavirus (Read 14076 times) stog Administrator Full Member Posts: 211 Vaccinated llama produced nanobodies that could neutralize coronavirus « on: May 17, 2020, 09:56:47 AM » Llamas like Winter are well suited to this kind of research because they produce nanobodies: about half the size of the antibodies a human would make, that occur in sharks and camelids (such as llamas, alpacas and camels). Quote"That reduced size makes them potentially really interesting therapeutic candidates because they can wedge themselves into little crevices that our larger antibodies wouldn't otherwise be able to access," said Wrapp.https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-may-11-2020-1.5564274/meet-winter-the-4-year-old-llama-whose-blood-might-hold-a-treatment-for-covid-19-1.5564528The findings were published last week in the scientific journal Cell, in collaboration with researchers at Ghent University in Belgium.pdf here « Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 09:58:28 AM by stog » Report to moderator Logged Print Pages: 1 Go Up « previous next » Tags: nanobodies llamas C19 Notes / General Category / C19 Notes Database / Vaccinated llama produced nanobodies that could neutralize coronavirus