• Welcome to Learning to Change in Cumbria for Disabled Children.

Recent posts

General / Family Fund for Disabled Famal...
Last post by jol - November 29, 2010, 06:02:53 PM
Family Fund - gives grants for things that make life easier and more enjoyable for disabled children aged 17 and under and their families.

Family Fund Extra - The price comparison site with a difference. Compare, save and help disabled children.
Other Campaigns / Fw: South Lakes Young Carers J...
Last post by jol - October 04, 2010, 08:55:03 AM
Please find our latest newsletter attached

Matt Carr (Young Carers Support Worker)
Number: 01539815970
Mobile: 07709797535
Other Campaigns / online pre-school SEN Review b...
Last post by jol - October 04, 2010, 08:46:37 AM
SEN Review

Dear member

As you may be aware, the Government has recently announced its intention to review the current special educational needs system and produce a green paper this autumn.

This is a good opportunity for the sector to share their views on the SEN process from an early years perspective. The Alliance is planning to submit a response to the review which incorporates the views of as many early settings as possible.

If you would like us to include your views, you can do this by completing our short survey. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will help us to formulate a comprehensive response to Government. To complete the form please follow this link. http://www.pre-school.org.uk/practitioners/inclusion/700/government-green-paper-on-special-educational-needs

The final date for submission to the Alliance is 10th October 2010.

Many thanks for your support.

Kind regards
Nicky Gibson
Inclusion Manager
Pre-school Learning Alliance

Alliance Publications Shop Has Moved...

Pre-school Learning Alliance Shop, Emery House, Greatbridge Road, Romsey SO51 0AD
T: 0300 330 0996 F: 020 3137 2493 E: shop@pre-school.org.uk W: www.pre-school.org.uk/shop

Events - (county wide) / Kidz Up North Exhibition, Reeb...
Last post by glyn - September 29, 2010, 10:07:57 AM
The Learning to Change Steering Group are offering free coaches to the exhibition Contact Jennie Taylor to register your interest tel 01900 706148  email jennie.taylor@cumbriacc.gov.uk
General / Mencap Wills and Trust Seminar...
Last post by jol - September 26, 2010, 08:20:43 AM
Please see attached re Mencap Wills and Trust Seminars November 2010 and pass on to anyone who would be interested
(just click once to enlarge/read)
Events - (county wide) / October half term activities w...
Last post by dan-specialevents - September 23, 2010, 05:59:43 PM
Special Events - Cumbria: We are a new company in the area offering the coolest activities for people with disabilities. Check out our leaflet as a 'jpeg download', and see whats on over the October Half term holidays........
short breaks / Re: re short breaks for profou...
Last post by jol - September 14, 2010, 12:29:08 PM
re the next conference IV at Kendal, we asked...

Quote"we wonder though whether anyone from the PCT will be attending and whether they would be able to tell us how their allocation has been spent, and if funding continues, what future plans they have .

we understand their funding is not ring fenced but believe there is a requirement for some sort of audit?

also we would still like to know what provision is being made for "emergency respite"

as the facilities at present cannot accommodate children with physical disabilities or more complex medical needs

we want to know what would happen if a family with a child with, for example, cerebral palsy, epilespy and a gastrostomy/feeding tube  phoned SLDC social services saying they were at breaking point and could not look after their child any longer.  Or, if such a family had an emergency, eg the principle carer was suddenly taken into hospital, or had to be away from the family home for a time?

we wonder why a part of the PCT / aiming high funding cannot be set aside for a reciprocal respite arrangement with ajoining counties, who have the appropriate residential facilities and, who might have availability...

Many thanks

val and jol


"Invites to professionals including those from the PCT have been sent out and
we are currently awaiting confirmation of who will be attending.  The
question about Aiming High Funding was raised within the Parking Lot at the
last conference.  The response received from the PCT was included within the
report as follows:

Q         Could the PCT let us know how they have spent the budget allocated
to them from the Aiming High budget?

The Department of Health does not break down primary care trust allocations
or 'ring fence' funding.  Instead, decisions about funding for health
services are taken locally by leading GPs representing each part of Cumbria.
It is therefore not possible to disaggregate NHS Cumbria investment in a way
which apportions a specific monetary benefit to the range of health services
which support children with disabilities.

However NHS Cumbria fully supports the Aiming high agenda and invests in a
range of services for children with disabilities including MENCAP, community
children's nursing teams, residential respite, hospice services and improved
health services closer to home which benefit all families.

The Parking Lot will be available again at this next conference where your
question about what would happen in an emergency can be raised.  

The agenda for the day has yet to be finalised but will include some
opportunities for table discussions too.

Best wishes

kendal Conference Learning to Change IV is on Oct 11from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. (refreshments and registration from 9.30 a.m.) at the

Castle Green Hotel in Kendal.

details on attached flyer......
local events / Re: Autumn events 2010
Last post by jol - September 13, 2010, 04:49:03 PM
herewith more of the documents referenced above - edited and sized - we restrict the size of attachments here and you only need a small version for webview. i have converted the .doc files to pdf -

hi thx for info which i have upped to our parent participation website

please ensure attachments are checked and sized before sending
i have edited the files and provided them as pdf files -- all 5 well  under 500kb as opposed to the >20 mb's i received!

you might like to register / and post future events yourself, or why not use the Calendar to put in these events - just choose new event . the date and post a message with the relevant subject and info that you simply copy/paste from your .microsoft word doc

any problems contact me


local events / Autumn events 2010
Last post by jol - September 13, 2010, 03:58:16 PM
Please find attached the latest activities planned for families who have a child with additional needs in Carlisle. Most were handed out at the Locality meeting.


Music and Dance sessions Sept 10.doc:

We are also in the process of setting up a Monday Club that will hopefully start late September. It will run 5.00pm till 6.30pm. We will initially use the soft play at Harraby and undergo a consultation period with families to see what type of activities they would like at these sessions. This group will then be rolled out at different venues across the cluster on a Monday evening.
Further details to follow!

October Half term

swimming sessions flier .doc:
soft play sessions flier .doc:
Sensory experience poster.doc:

all resized/converted here to pdf

mail out to families already known to us have been sent out. This includes an evaluation of the summer programme and requests for thoughts and ideas on future activities.

All Aiming high information can be found on livelink - Carlisle Wide, Aiming High.
If you have any Portage needs please contact Teresa at Carlisle West.

Many thanks

Lydia Noble

(Clerk to the PCAG/As and when admin work)

Carlisle South Sure Start Children's Centre


01228 625937
Learning to Change Conferences / Re: Learning to Change Confere...
Last post by jol - September 13, 2010, 03:41:47 PM
hi sarah,

thx for the email
hopefully both val and i should be able to attend

we wonder though whether anyone from the PCT will be attending and whether they would be able to tell us how their allocation has been spent, and if funding continues, what future plans they have .

we understand their funding is not ring fenced but believe there is a requirement for some sort of audit?

also we would still like to know what provision is being made for "emergency respite"

as the facilities at present cannot accommodate children with physical disabilities or more complex medical needs

we want to know what would happen if a family with a child with, for example, cerebral palsy, epilespy and a gastrostomy/feeding tube  phoned SLDC social services saying they were at breaking point and could not look after their child any longer.  Or, if such a family had an emergency, eg the principle carer was suddenly taken into hospital, or had to be away from the family home for a time?

we wonder why a part of the PCT / aiming high funding cannot be set aside for a reciprocal respite arrangement with ajoining counties, who have the appropriate residential facilities and, who might have availability...

Many thanks

val and jol