we was chatting t'other day about recording on the mac and it sprang me back into a session - haven't had a decent bash for ages, mainly cos of my skin wot had flared up, anyhow here it is, a riff wot came out of an effect which i have,t put up yet but which was 'violins' an echoey difficult synth like effect.

so i had to check what it sounded like - so i recorded it - so as to be able to hear it, as you can't really be sure while you're playin'.

then, to this "1 track"recording where i tried to find an effect and a 'beat' for the riff. (there are i think 3 effects and 3 rhythms, the last one being my fave - a strange effect PT-PDL 5.5 with a brisk R&R2 beat(zoom) thro' a 100 watt hughes/kettner, low volume.

fender thinline telecaster recorded on 7/72009 using a Samson Q1U USB Microphone in front of the speaker, via audio hijack on a mac.( no editing )

excuse the usual duff notes and scattiness, conversations & phones in the background, but i was pleased to get 20 mins non stop before my wrist/hand got pins/needles.. was originally just experijammin' but was pleased with the last part.......trimedeffect.mp3 (7.2mb)

full session = a_riff_in_search_of_ an_effect.mp3 (20mb)

best downloaded/played through itunes with a visualiser, equaliser set to "lounge" or direct in a browser (just click) and a bottle and a decent amp/speakers..............

will upload a shortened edited version - the last part 4- later on .........see trimmed above

the riff session came out of my messin with the 'violin' effect a little earlier.

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